The Charles C. Myers Library has 3 Kindle e-readers and 3 Kindle Fires available for checkout. UD Students, Faculty, and Staff can check out a Kindle for two weeks at a time. No renewals will be permitted.
What titles are available on the Kindle?
Browse all the titles available on the Kindle in the library catalog.
We are currently building our collection and need your help! You can use the Suggest a Title link or e-mail us at to suggest a title to be loaded on the Kindle. If your suggested title is purchased, we will put a hold on the reader and notify you via e-mail.
How do I request a Kindle?
To request a Kindle, click here. To request a Kindle Fire, click here.
Click on the "Request Item" button to place a hold. We will e-mail you when the Kindle is ready for pick-up.
The Kindle Circulation Policy is:
If a Kindle is unreturned upon the due date, the patron will receive an overdue message. One week following the due date, the patron will be billed $350, which covers the cost of the Kindle, case, some content, and a $50 (non-refundable) processing fee.
Library charges for UD students are included on their student account. Library charges for UD faculty & staff will be deducted from the employee’s paycheck.
If a patron is billed and subsequently returns the Kindle, all charges will be refunded except the non-refundable processing fee ($50). This fee covers library staff time required to process overdue notices, contact patrons with overdue items, prepare billing information, and reorder required e-books.
If you have questions, please contact us at