The Master in Management - Organizational Diversity and Inclusion Leadership (MMDI) consists of 30 credit hours as follows:

  • BUS 620: Managing the Business Culture (3)*
  • BUS 626: Strategic Implementation (3)*
  • COM 647: Stakeholder Engagement (3)*
  • BUS 665: Analytics for the Business Environment (3)*
  • BUS 668: Innovation and Change Management (3)*
  • DIL 601: Foundations of Diversity and Inclusion (3)
  • DIL 610: Cultural and Social Group Identities (3)
  • DIL 615: Managing the Diversity and Inclusion Change Initiative (3)
  • DIL 620: Diversity and Inclusion Measurement and Accountability (3)
  • GRAD 686: Field Experience Capstone Seminar (3) -OR- DIL 689: Diversity and Inclusion Capstone (3)

Two-Year Plan

Year 1 - Fall

  • DIL 601: Foundations of Diversity and Inclusion
  • DIL 610: Cultural and Social Group Identities

Year 1 - Spring

  • BUS 626: Strategic Implementation
  • COM 647: Stakeholder Engagement

Year 1 - Summer

  • BUS 668: Innovation & Change Management

Year 2 - Fall

  • BUS 620: Managing the Business Culture
  • BUS 665: Analytics for the Business Environment

Year 2 - Spring

  • DIL 615: Managing the Diversity & Inclusion Change Initiative
  • DIL 620: Diversity & Inclusion Measurement and Accountability

Year 2 - Summer

  • GRAD 686: Capstone Experience / DIL 689: Diversity & Inclusion Capstone


* course plans are subject to change