Spartans of UD - Jaidyn Williams
By University Relations Staff
Spartans of UD highlights what makes the University of Dubuque special - the people.
Jaidyn Williams, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is a sophomore wellness and exercise science major. He is enrolled in the first of three summer school sessions offered at UD.
Summer courses are open to students of all ages who desire to catch-up, get-ahead, or expand their horizons in the pursuit of college-level learning opportunities. Why did you decide to enroll in Wellness for a Healthy Lifestyle during the first of three summer school sessions?
"I chose Wellness for a Healthy Lifestyle the first summer session because I wanted to take it last semester but it was full but had an opening during the summer. I will be at school for an extra month after finals due to being on the track and field team, so it's an easy way to knock out a class."
What do you hope to learn from the summer school course taught by Jim Romagna, EdD, head of the Department of Health, Wellness, and Sport and assistant professor of health, wellness, and sport?
"Something that I hope to learn throughout this class is more ways to improve my overall wellness that doesn't include just physical aspects, where this is the main aspect that gets talked about. I want to learn the other ways to help improve my overall wellness besides learning how to train and eat right, because I'm a student-athlete who is physically active nine months out of the year."
In your opinion, what makes summer school at the University of Dubuque unique?
"I would say something that makes summer courses unique at UD is that you can knock out classes in a shorter amount of time if you are still on campus or plan to stay to take those classes that you want. It helps spring athletes a lot, because we are already on campus after finals for another month or so."
What inspired you to major in wellness and exercise science?
"What inspired me to be a major in wellness and exercise science is that I love sports and have been an athlete since I was in second grade. Throughout high school and first year of a full collegiate season, I have enjoyed helping other athletes on the team and want to be a personal trainer or even a track and field coach after college."
What advice do you have for other Spartans who are considering taking a summer school course?
"My advice for other Spartans that plan to take a summer class here at UD is to make sure that you stay on top of assignments. It may be a little different than a semester class where during the summer you will have more assignments due at the end of the week based on the length of the class. Take advantage of getting one or two more classes done with during the summer so you can potentially graduate early and get the credits that you need. Summer class is also a way to improve your GPA or opportunity to retake a class if you have to."