Spartans of UD: Abby Smith

Nov 28, 2018 | University Relations staff

Spartans of UD highlights what makes University of Dubuque special – the people who live, work, and study on campus. Abby Smith is a senior with a double major in secondary education and mathematics who proves that your major shouldn’t keep you from pursuing other hobbies. Smith is president of the UD Concert Choir and a member of the UD Chamber Singers. She is excited to perform in Christmas at Heritage Center on Friday, Nov. 30, 2018. After graduation, Smith plans to move to Des Moines, Iowa, to teach and eventually obtain a master’s degree in mathematics.

Spartans of UD - Abby Smith
Abby Smith
Math in Secondary Education and Mathematics Double Major

1. Why did you choose to attend the University of Dubuque?

“I chose UD because both my parents and my mother’s siblings went to UD.”

2. You will perform in Christmas at Heritage Center on Friday, Nov. 30, 2018, with the UD Concert Choir. How have you been preparing for the performance?

“I spend extra time looking over the words and my part I sing to better memorize for the performance.”

3. What are you looking forward to most with Christmas at Heritage Center?

“I love Christmas music and singing in a beautiful choir with amazing songs is the cherry on top for me.”

4. Where does your passion for singing come from?

“I have loved music for as long as I can remember, so creating music with my voice and adding others to the mix to make harmonies to a melody is what I love.”

5. What advice do you have for other UD Spartans?

“Do not let your major or career choice keep you from finding other activities and hobbies you enjoy.”