
The University of Dubuque has developed a great mindset for being a caringly intrusive campus community. This mindset has helped many students over the years through our UD Cares initiative. The UD Cares Team is comprised of a multi-disciplinary team of UD professionals and under the leadership of Nelson Edmonds, Vice President of Student Engagement and Intercollegiate Athletics, is charged with providing support for students referred to them by linking them to people and/or resources who enable the opportunity for success. The team does not discipline and referrals to the UD Cares Team does not go into the student's academic record or permanent file.

Students may be referred to the UD Cares Team by Faculty, Staff, other Students, and Parents. Students may be referred for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

  • Concern for well-being, including suicidal ideation or change in mood/behavior
  • Concern for basic needs, including unhealthy eating habits
  • Lack of participation or engagement in class or on campus
  • Loss of family or friend
  • Emotional needs (family issues, relationship issues, etc.)
  • Continued attendance issues or academic concerns, including class or campus disruption
  • UD specific concerns such as dealing with specific offices, faculty, staff
  • Financial concerns

Report a concern with Maxient

How to Refer

Any individual (student, staff, faculty, coach, parent, etc.) may refer an individual(s) to the UD Cares Team. You can simply click on the "Concern Form", complete it with as much or as little information as you know and click on submit. It is very helpful if you have the full name of the individual(s).

Additionally, you may email the UD Cares Team at UDCares@dbq.edu or call Nelson Edmonds, Vice President of Student Engagement and Intercollegiate Athletics at 563.589.3867.

Upon receipt of your referral, you will receive confirmation. The UD Cares Team will then put together an "action plan" specific for the referred individual.

All referrals and all action plans are confidential.

If you are not sure whether to submit a referral or not, please contact Nelson Edmonds, Vice President of Student Engagement and Intercollegiate Athletics at 563.589.3867.

Submit a Report

Best Practices:

  • Be specific to observations.
  • If possible, describe changes in behavior.
  • Include only relevant information.


  • Personal judgements.
  • Reaching conclusions or making recommendations.
  • Criticizing other university staff/faculty.
  • Blaming or attributing students distress.


Email: UDCares@dbq.edu
Phone: 563.589.3867 or 563.589.3128
Campus Safety and Security: 563.589.3333
Emergency: 911